Since this blog’s humble beginnings, I’ve made a habit of sharing my goals with anyone willing to listen. And I will continue to do so out of stubbornness, despite having learned recently that telling people your goals can actually keep you from achieving them. What can I say? I’m a Taurus.
Just under one year ago, I shared with you my goal of traveling to 30 countries before my 30th birthday. Seeing as I’ve made a bit of progress toward this goal since then, I thought I’d give you a little update in the hopes that, in return, you’ll continue to hold me accountable for this and every other goal I might dream up.
Deal? Deal.
So, where do I stand after ten months? Well, I just turned 28 on the 6th of May, leaving me with a whopping two years to complete my 30 before 30 goal. And when I first announced this goal last June, I had already traveled to 17 countries, primarily in Southeast Asia and South America (and a few outliers like Israel and Australia).
Since then, I’ve visited an additional five putting me at a total of 22 (just in case arithmetic isn’t your strong suit) and in just two days I’m flying to lucky country number 23. In all honesty, I never expected to make such quick progress. I’m sure it had everything to do with the incredible support I’ve received from you, my dear readers, so thank you for that! Psychology be damned.
Here’s a look at where I’ve been this year and the news you’ve really been waiting for, where I’m headed next.
Country #18: Nicaragua
You all remember my overwhelmingly positive experience in Nicaragua, right? Like when the airline lost my luggage, or when I got robbed in San Juan del Sur. Ah, memories! There were a lot of lows in Nicaragua, but plenty of highs, too. Overall, I enjoyed my time there and would not hesitate to return.
Country #19: Costa Rica
Since I was heading south on my way back to Colombia, Costa Rica was the obvious next stop. I immediately fell in love with Costa Rica’s verdant scenery, spectacular wildlife, and laid-back pura vida vibes. It’s not hard to see why so many travelers rave about this little slice of paradise.
Country #20: Panama
I had very few expectations for Panama and ended up pleasantly surprised in so many ways. My travel companion and I split our time between just two stops, the archipelago of Bocas del Toro and the bustling metropolis of Panama City. Both captivated me from beginning to end.
Country #21: United Kingdom
I realize this one may spark some debate. For those of you who haven’t been following along on social media, I was only in the UK (London, to be exact) for a long layover on my way to Spain. Despite the brevity of the encounter (but is eight hours really that brief?), I’m counting it as country number 21 for a number of reasons. I mean, I got the stamp in my passport. I rode their public transportation. I bumped elbows with Londoners in the world’s smallest Tesco. I even selfied with Big Ben! If that doesn’t count as a visit, I don’t know what does. I’m looking forward to returning one day to see more than just the major tourist attractions, but for now, the ruling stands…it counts!
Country #22: Spain
Spain has been my dream destination for as long as I can remember. To finally be here in Catalonia, exploring the streets of Barcelona, devouring every tapa within arm’s reach–it’s a good reminder of just how much I’m capable of when I want something badly enough. Sure, it didn’t happen within the timeframe I originally imagined, but that just serves as a reminder to be more patient with life, and that all good things happen with time.
And finally, country #23: Greece!
Why Greece, you ask? A better question would be why NOT Greece?! And as it turns out, May will be a pretty perfect time to visit. It’s no longer the lowest of low season, not yet the highest of high season (this interim period is known as shoulder season, apparently) so it won’t be dead as a doornail, nor will it be crawling with tourists. I’m pretty excited for the adventures ahead, which most certainly include some Greek island-hopping, wine and ouzo drinking, and Mediterranean sunset watching. Sorry I’m not sorry for the barrage of jealousy-inducing Instagrams coming your way starting Tuesday (follow me!).

Country #24: ???
As for what comes after Greece, well, you’ll just have to keep reading to find out! You didn’t think I’d give away all my secrets at once, did you? I will tell you that I plan to stay in Europe for the majority of the summer, which means I’ll be inching ever closer to accomplishing my 30 before 30 goal. I hope you’ll come along for the ride!
What goals are you currently working toward? Share some in the comments!