The ULTIMATE List of Facebook Groups for Entrepreneurs, Freelancers, Bloggers & Digital Nomads

Ultimate List of Facebook Groups for Entrepreneurs, Freelancers, Bloggers & Digital Nomads

Since becoming location independent, there are two things I’m pretty much ALWAYS droning on about because, without them, I would have quite literally shriveled up into the fetal position before ugly-crying all the way back to my soul-deadening 9-5 job…


Luckily, Facebook groups came to my rescue to offer up both of these sweet little miracles.

Seriously guys, if you’re not using Facebook groups to meet fellow entrepreneurs, freelancers, bloggers, and nomads, you’re missing out.

Having a community in real life is obviously ideal, but chances are, many of the people closest to you just won’t get what you’re trying to accomplish and won’t be able to offer you any practical advice.

And while in-person networking is fabulous and you should absolutely make time for it (and invest in it by attending conferences and the like), it’s also easier than ever to network with your peers online.

Facebook groups have made online networking an absolute dream, and within these little communities, you’ll find people just like you–people with big dreams, unconventional ways of living, and a desire to blaze their own unique trail in life.

Through these Facebook groups, I’ve learned SO many important things about running an online business, about surviving as a freelancer, about growing my blog, and about thriving in my location independent lifestyle in spite of the many challenges. I’ve made some really amazing friends and collaborated on some inspiring projects.

And I want all of that for you, too.

Below, you’ll find an ever-growing, regularly updated list of Facebook groups worth joining so you don’t have to take on your unconventional life path all alone.

Now, go forth and find your tribe, my sweet friends!

Want to join my very own online community of dreamers? The Sweetest Way Community is now live <3

Dig this list of Facebook groups? Please share it!Ultimate List of Facebook Groups for Entrepreneurs, Freelancers, Bloggers & Digital Nomads

Do you have a favorite Facebook group that’s not listed here? Let me know in the comments so I can add it.

Score! 100+ Facebook groups for entrepreneurs, freelancers, bloggers, and digital nomads #findyourtribe Click To Tweet

Facebook Groups for Entrepreneurs

#Femtrepreneur with Mariah Coz

Bangkok Entrepreneurs

Brave Entrepreneurs

Coffee With Dan

Digital Nomad Entrepreneurs

Drop Ship Lifestyle Labs

E-commerce Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneur Hustle

Entrepreneurs’ Abundance Mindset

Female Entrepreneurs Collaborate

Humans of Online Business

Influencer Entrepreneurs

Instagram for Entrepreneurs

Intrepid Entrepreneurs Community

Ladypreneur Community

Location Independent Global Entrepreneurs

Medellin Entrepreneurs Society

Millennial Entrepreneur Community

Nomadic Entrepreneurs

Online Business BFFs

Online Business Mastermind with Lewis Howes

Remote Entrepreneurs

Shopify Entrepreneurs

Straight Up Entrepreneurs

Super Hero Entrepreneurs

The Feminine Affluent Entrepreneur

The Smart Passive Income Community

Women’s Entrepreneur Network

Facebook Groups for Freelancers

Creative Freelancers Unite

Female Freelance Writers

Freelance & Telecommute Job Leads

Freelance Community

Freelance Jobs

Freelance Journalists UK

Freelancers Networking Group

Freelance PRs

Freelance to Freedom Project Community

Freelance Translators

Freelance Writers

Freelance Writers’ Discussion Forum

Freelance Writing & Blogging Jobs

Freelancer Graphic Designer

Freelancer Village


Going Freelance

Six-Figure Freelancing

Social Media, Virtual Assistance, Writing & Freelance for Hire & Free Stuff

Successful Freelance Translators

Under 30 Freelancers

Virtual Assistant Clinic

Virtual Assistant Savvies

Facebook Groups for Bloggers

Awesome Bloggers

Blog Beautiful

Blog Support Group

Blogger Insights

Bloggers Engagement Group

Bloggers Supporting Bloggers

Bloggers United

Bloggers Unite on Pinterest


Blogging 101

Blogging Boost

Blogging Newbs

Bright Bloggers + Business

Boost Your Blog

DNW – Making Money from Blogging

Female Travel Bloggers

Girls vs Globe

Grow Your Blog

Inspired Bloggers Network

Mom Bloggers Tribe

New Bloggers Network

The Blog Loft

The Blogging Squad

The SITS Girls

Travel Bloggers Network

We Travel We Blog

Facebook Groups for Digital Nomads

Bali Digital Nomads

Bangkok Digital Nomads

Berlin Digital Nomads

Beyond Her Atlas

Bucketlist Bombshells Tribe

Budapest Digital Nomads

Chiang Mai Digital Nomads

Digital Nomad and Freedom Fighter Collective

Digital Nomad Business Mastermind

Digital Nomad Entrepreneurs

Digital Nomad Families

Digital Nomad Girls

Digital Nomad Jobs – Work From Anywhere

Digital Nomad Kit Tribe

Digital Nomad: Remote Job Opportunities

Digital Nomads Africa

Digital Nomads Around the World

Digital Nomads Hub

Digital Nomads in Mexico

Digital Nomads Medellin

Digital Nomads Playa del Carmen

Digital Nomads Portugal

Digital Nomads Spain

Female Digital Nomads

Global Digital Nomad Network

Globetrotting Girl Bosses

Location Independent Families

Location Independent Global Entrepreneurs

Location Independent Psychologists, Coaches, & Therapists

Nomad Soulmates

Nomad Summit – Digital Nomads Worldwide!

Philippine Digital Nomads

Remote Jobs, Work Anywhere

Remote Work Community

The NEW Screw the Nine to Five Community

Tarifa Digital Nomads

The LIM – Location Independent Movement

Vegan Digital Nomads

Do you use Facebook groups to do online networking? Have you found your own community through Facebook groups? What are some of your favorites?


  • Steph

    Awesome list, but what do you think is the optimum number of groups to participate in? I love FB groups but have to be SO disciplined when I log in–they’re like procrastination crack.

    Also do you have any tips for finding mastermind groups?
    Steph recently posted…How I Fell in Love with Sailing: Gulet Cruising in TurkeyMy Profile

    • Leah Davis (author)

      I think that answer will vary for everyone! I’m a member of quite a few groups, but only regularly check in on a few. That being said, whenever I do visit the other groups, I still get some value out of them. I very rarely leave a group unless I find it to be spammy, or out of control catty/dramatic.

      I’m not really sure how you’d find a mastermind group unless you were directly invited. You might consider starting your own, though!

    • Leah Davis (author)

      There are so many great Facebook groups out there! I joined a few new ones when making this list 🙂

  • Dan

    Awesome, awesome list. Thanks for compiling this. I love when bloggers add something useful in our lives haha

    • Leah Davis (author)

      My pleasure! Glad I could provide something useful 😉

  • Allison

    Great list! Like you, I decided to stop being a digital nomad and simply be location independent, but absolutely adore the Digital Nomad Girls group!

  • Tal Bright

    Thanks for this great list! Very useful 🙂

    • Leah Davis (author)

      Happy to help!

  • Elizabeth

    Thank you for this list, Leah! There are a few groups that I love and participate in a lot already, but I’ve been looking for one or two more focused groups.

    • Leah Davis (author)

      There are so many good groups out there! Hope you’ve found some you like 🙂

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