Hi there! My name is Leah. Welcome to my little slice of the internet, one of the few places I truly feel at home.
I’ve been enamored with the idea of slowly seeing the world for as long as I can remember. I first moved abroad in 2011, but it wasn’t until 2013 that I realized my true dream: to be completely free of ties to any one geographical location so that I could continue to travel at whatever pace felt right at the time.
This blog started out in a haphazard manner, as most blogs do, and has slowly evolved into the form you see now. It has both served as a springboard for remote work opportunities and attracted enough of an audience that it now pays the bills.
In short, it has helped me to build the lifestyle I’d been after all this time but didn’t have a name for, location independence.
I now do work that I love from wherever I feel most comfortable, and I’m free to travel the world on my terms.
It didn’t come easily though, and it didn’t happen overnight–my hope is to provide others with the guidance that I never had.
This blog is no longer just about my journey to a fulfilled life; it is a place for others to find encouragement and advice on how to navigate their own.
Location independence may be my ideal way to live, but it’s okay if it’s not yours–all travel enthusiasts are welcome here. I know that full-time travel or nomadic living isn’t everyone’s dream. At The Sweetest Way, we don’t discriminate.
If you want to learn how to create passive income to spend more time traveling or just being with your loved ones, this is the place for you.
If you want to become a freelancer so that you can be in complete control of your own schedule, this is the place for you.
If you want to work remotely so you can live abroad for part of the year, welcome! Because this is the place for you.
If you want to learn the ropes of becoming location independent and work wherever there’s WiFi, strong coffee, and a great view, this blog is definitely the place for you.
I’ll be sharing all the knowledge and lessons I’ve learned in my pursuit of location independence, many of which have applications far beyond my particular circumstances. I’ll also offer up as many hard-won life lessons I gather through my travels and be forthcoming with you whenever I’m experiencing pain or conflict.
That last part is especially important, because at the end of the day, after you sweep away all the technobabble, the jargon, and the platitudes, this blog is really just about my journey to a peaceful heart.
Ready to dive in? Here’s a selection of the best posts on The Sweetest Way.
Let’s Get Acquainted:
- I Don’t Want to Travel the World For a Living <– Really though, travel is NOT my job
- Why The Nomadic Lifestyle Can’t Last <– The moment I realized nomadic living could never be permanent
- Why I Gave Up the Digital Nomad Lifestyle for Location Independence <– And no, they’re not the same!
- The Long Way Home <– My whole travel journey from expat to backpacker to location independence!
- Taking Mom Overseas: Our First Mother-Daughter Trip <– A life-changing experience!
- On Settling Down & Accumulating Stuff <– On life changes and staying in one place
- Learning to Love Myself <– A never-ending journey
Intro to Location Independence:
- Is a Location Independent Lifestyle the Right Choice for You?
- From 9 to 5 Job to Digital Nomad: How to Prepare Financially
- Land Your Dream Remote Job in 5 Simple Steps
- How 15 Location Independent Bloggers Make Money Working from Anywhere
Blogging for Profit:
- The Sweetest Way’s First Ever Blogging Income Report: July 2017
- Creating Digital Products: The Path to Passive Income for Bloggers
- Blog Post Checklist: 25 Things Every Blog Post Must Have Before I’ll Hit Publish
- The Only Affiliate Marketing Course You’ll Ever Need
- Should You Invest in a Pinterest Course?
The Best Travel Stories on The Sweetest Way:
- Why I Travel
- A Train Ride With Syrian Refugees: A Lesson in Compassion & Perspective
- Climbing Venezuela’s Mount Roraima
- A Love Letter to Mexico City
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Featured photo by Sullivan & Sullivan Studios