If you ever travel solo, whether it’s for work or play, chances are you’ve spent a night all alone in a hotel room, wondering just what to do with all that space and unadulterated privacy.
It’s rather luxurious, in this introvert’s opinion, to not have to share your space with anyone else while you travel. Perhaps it could get lonely if I were always traveling this way, but every now and again it’s just what the doctor ordered.
There are a few important steps to take to ensure maximum enjoyment of your solo night in a hotel–and, because I know what you’re all thinking, let’s just get this out of the way up front–none of these steps involve porn.
I recently had the pleasure of enjoying a night to myself at the Icicle Inn, a full-service resort hotel in Leavenworth Bavarian Village, and it was anything but lonely. Here are a few of the ways I made this solo hotel stay utterly delightful that I encourage you to utilize on your next trip.
1. Get Comfortable
The first and perhaps most important thing you can do upon arrival at your hotel is: Take off your pants! You don’t have all this private space just to mope around being uncomfortable, so shed those confining leg prisons the moment you walk in the door. If hanging out in the nude isn’t your thing, throw on your pajamas, a bathrobe if the hotel provides one, or whatever you feel most comfortable lounging around in. You’re in a judgment-free zone with no one to impress, so you should dress as you damn well please.

2. Brag a Little
Your friends definitely want to know just how awesome your spacious digs are, so don’t be shy. Blow them up on social media–that’s exactly what Facebrag Facebook was created for, right? Show off your room, your view, even take a few obnoxious selfies. If the place is great, your traveler friends especially will want to know about it.

3. Get Your Money’s Worth
There’s nothing I love more than when a hotel provides travel sized toiletries. Even if I don’t use them during my stay I’ll make sure to take them with me when I go. They’re the perfect size to pack in your carry-on for future trips, and they usually smell amazing. And you all know by now that I’m a major caffeine addict so maybe this goes without saying, but I’d never leave a hotel room without making the coffee provided. I love to wake up in the morning and enjoy a freshly brewed cup right there in my bed.
4. Don’t Even THINK About Leaving
There’s a reason hotels have all that stuff on-site. Grab a beer from the bar at happy hour. Eat a meal in the restaurant. Even better yet, order food to your room so you don’t even have to put your pants back on for a second. Then, snuggle up in one of your two beds (or push them together to make one super bed) and use your free time to be productive. And by productive I obviously mean binge-watch your favorite TV series until the warmth of your burrito-like state lulls you into a deep, restful sleep. In the morning, make full use of the amenities like the pool, jacuzzi, and gym, and eat to your heart’s content at the breakfast buffet.

By following these simple steps, I guarantee you’ll enjoy your solo hotel stay even if you’re not used to all that alone time. There’s beauty in solitude in small doses, and a relaxing night in a hotel is the perfect way to enjoy it, in my opinion.
Have you ever stayed by yourself in a hotel room? Did you enjoy it as much as I did?
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This post was written in collaboration with the Leavenworth Chamber of Commerce