Mexico Update: Slight Change of Plans!

Mexico with Cantimplora Travel

As we all know, things can change in the blink of an eye.  This is especially true for travel plans!

A week ago, I revealed to you through many exclamation marks and happy tears that I finally had plans to visit a long-anticipated destination, Mexico.

The plan was to travel with a new company, Cantimplora Travel, for 8 days and explore a few cities independently after the fact.

Well, as it turns out, there is still a lot of trepidation and hesitation surrounding travel to Mexico, possibly due to fears over the rapidly spreading Zika virus.  Perhaps people are apprehensive to travel to Mexico for other reasons as well–one can only speculate.

As a result, however, the upcoming April tour with Cantimplora didn’t fill up in time and the owners were forced to cancel the trip.

While I’m disappointed by the missed opportunity to travel with Cantimplora, I know that these circumstances are completely outside of their control; in fact, on their end, they were doing everything they could to make the trip happen.  It just wasn’t in the cards for this month.

They’ve invited me to travel with them on any other tour at a later date, either this year or in 2017, so it is still very much within the realm of possibility.  And of course, I would still be ecstatic to have the opportunity–everything I said in my previous post stands!  Unfortunately, I’m unable to commit to a trip in either November or December when they next have availability, so until the dates are closer and my future travel plans more concrete, I can’t say it will happen for sure.

In the meantime, I still have every intention of traveling to Mexico.  I already have a flight booked from New York to Mexico City, so over the next few weeks, I will be scheming and strategizing to make the most of this solo excursion.  I’ve known Mexico City to be a  growing foodie destination, so I’d love to spend a good number of days eating my way through the capital.  Oaxaca is another destination that I am greatly intrigued by, and a city a number of other bloggers and nomads have been calling home in recent months.  Perhaps I will split my time evenly between the two before heading back to Washington.  But who knows?

All that being said, with my travel plans now wide open, I am looking to you for recommendations.  

Where have you visited in Mexico that you think I shouldn’t miss?  What should I see in Mexico City and Oaxaca?  What should I eat?

The trip is sure to be worthwhile and memorable no matter how it pans out.  This is the beautiful thing about travel!  Whether it goes how you think it will or not, the experience is always valuable.

So, I’m going to Mexico–solo!  Leave me your best tips, tricks, and recommendations in the comments.  Gracias!

Featured image courtesy of Cantimplora Travel


  • Nick

    Guanajuato! 🙂

  • Eva Casey

    What a bummer about the tour being cancelled!! It’s so strange because I’ve been traveling in Central America now for almost 3 months and the people who seem the most worried about Zika are the people who are nowhere near this area! Here things have continued as normal.. That being said, I have no plans of becoming pregnant anytime soon so maybe I just don’t know! I’m a firm believer that everything that happens is exactly how it’s meant to be, so I think there’s a reason you’re going solo to Mexico! I’ve been hearing such amazing things about the country and especially MC and Oaxaca so you’re going to have SO much fun!

    PS- I wrote a roundup of Puerto Viejo and linked to your post about it 🙂

    • Leah Davis (author)

      It is a bummer about the Oaxaca tour, I was pretty excited to explore that part of Mexico! But I have no doubt my time in MC will be awesome 🙂 Thanks for the link, too!

  • Ashley

    Definitely check out the Museum of Anthropology- it blew my mind. I’d also recommend doing a food tour in Mexico City – the one I did was awesome. Also check out Colonia Roma and Polanco, they’re both cool neighborhoods :). You’re going to have an awesome time!

  • Rachel

    If you have time, check out San Miguel de Allende. It’s a beautiful colonial town just a couple of hours from Mexico City, with amazing food, crafts, and architecture, and a lot of day trips within easy access. I did an amazing horse riding tour through a canyon nearby, followed by a home-cooked lunchthat was one of the best meals I had in over a month backpacking around Mexico. Highly recommended!

    • Leah Davis (author)

      Yes! This name has been mentioned to me several times. I think I may just have to add it to the itinerary. Thanks for the suggestions, Rachel! 😀

  • Justine

    Aw, too bad but perhaps it was meant to be. You’re still going to Mexico, after all. I wish I had some advice for you but I haven’t been to either Mexico City or Oaxaca (both have been on my list for YEARS). I can’t wait to hear about your experience. Eat lots of food and salsa for me 🙂
    Justine recently posted…5 Fun & Weird Things to Do in Phnom PenhMy Profile

    • Leah Davis (author)

      Oh, I will eat ALL the food and think of you haha. I can’t wait 🙂

  • Rachel

    That sucks that your tour is cancelled, but man I’m SO jealous that you get to visit the DF! The food will be amazing! And don’t even get me started on Oaxaca. Learn to make mole, drink a ton of mezcal, and definitely eat lunch in the grilled meat hall of the market!
    Rachel recently posted…I Quit My Job 6 Months Ago – More Musings on TravelMy Profile

    • Leah Davis (author)

      YES! I knew you would have some solid recs for me, thanks Rachel! 😀

  • Yasmine

    A shame about your trip, but I’m sure you’ll have the best time in Mexico. I’ve been here for 3 months and totally love it! Definitely stay in Colonia Roma in Mexico City, it’s full of leafy streets, cafes and great restaurants. If you’re into books, I loved El Pendulo book shop in Polanco and Biblioteca Vasconcelos is amazing. Oaxaca is great too, loads of fun day trips you can do from there and the city itself is full of cute cafes and fun markets. There’s a few Mexico posts on my blog if you’re looking for more tips.
    Have fun!
    Yasmine recently posted…Slowing down in San Miguel de AllendeMy Profile

  • Dylan

    I just read (and sorta drooled over) the recent write-up of La Condesa and Colonia Roma over at bridgesandballoons. It makes everything look so green and gorgeous and full of good food 🙂
    Dylan recently posted…How to Plan a Trip to Mexico’s Mayan RuinsMy Profile

    • Leah Davis (author)

      Oh yeah, I would definitely go to Mexico City for the food alone! Everyone I know raves about it! 😀

  • Mani @ A New Life Wandering

    Oh that’s too bad for them! And for you too I guess hehe, but I’m sad they couldn’t fill up. A trip to Mexico including Mexico City and Oaxaca is the perfect plan. You get the best of both worlds. The foodie, cultural, and massive metropolis, and the maybe more colorful, more grounded Oaxaca.
    Like someone said, the colonia Roma, or “la Roma” is definitely THE place to stay and explore right now. Here are a few glimpses of that neighborhood:
    But I would also visit the zocalo (historic center). Mexico City has the most museums in any city in the world (fact), so you ought to visit at least one.
    The mercado de jamaica (the “j” is pronounced like an “h”) would be an amazing place to visit and great photo-op. It’s a massive food and flower market. You can check out both of my posts about it here:
    Finally, here are a few more ideas of what to do in the city:
    Mani @ A New Life Wandering recently posted…6 Reasons Why Living Abroad Will Make You SmarterMy Profile

    • Leah Davis (author)

      As it turns out, I will still be working with Cantimplora, but in Mexico City now instead of Oaxaca! I have not made any formal announcement about it yet, will do so closer to the trip. But I’m very excited either way. I will definitely stay afterward and do my own travels as well, so maybe I’ll still be able to see Oaxaca. Thanks for your tips!

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