Today is a very special day, friends!
I’ve reached another exciting milestone, and a somewhat unexpected one…you’re currently reading the 100th post on The Mochilera Diaries!
When this blog came to life less than one year ago in Cusco, Peru, I had no idea where it would lead. I never imagined just how all-consuming the world of travel blogging would be, how much I would grow to love it (and sometimes hate it), or just how much there was for me to learn.

Writing has been the easy part–I’ve always enjoyed telling a good story. It’s hitting that menacing publish button and making my thoughts known to the world that’s been the greatest challenge at times. It doesn’t give me so much anxiety these days, though; by repeatedly making myself vulnerable and putting myself out there, imperfect and unrefined, what began as an uncomfortable act has evolved into a habit–and not just within the realm of blogging but in other aspects of my life as well.
I’m honored to have readers who have been with me from the very beginning, rooting for me the whole way (even if you didn’t know where this was all going to lead, either). They’ve stuck with me through the growing pains, the uninspired posts, the lulls and the hardships. If that applies to you, please know how grateful I am for your loyalty and support. I’m honored, too, by each new reader who stumbles upon my little corner of the internet and finds something worth sticking around for.
The number of people who’ve reached out to tell me that what I’m doing here has affected them in some way, however small, makes my little heart swell to near bursting (it could be the three cups of coffee I’ve had today but I prefer to think it’s the warm-and-fuzzies). Again, if that applies to you, thank you. Every time I felt like throwing it all away, your kind words kept me afloat.
Additionally, I surely wouldn’t have stuck it out for this long if not for the amazing and supportive community of travel bloggers I’ve gotten to know throughout this experience. It’s refreshing to find people with whom I share the same incessant need to talk about travel, people who would never judge me for taking a few too many pictures of my food or insisting that we say “cheers” in at least 10 languages before we drink. So prost to you, travel bloggers. You’re a pretty rad group of people and I’m proud to be among you.
I’m finally starting to understand the role travel blogging is going to play for me in the long term, and that fact alone is beyond exhilarating. In honor of reaching this new unconventional milestone (click here to read about the original), I wanted to do something special.
You all remember Pura Vida Bracelets, that awesome company I introduced you to a couple of months ago? The one that provides full-time employment to 65 talented Costa Rican artisans, supports a whole host of non-profit organizations through direct sales and donates even more money to charities all over the world?
Great, I thought you’d remember! I’ve been helping spread the word about Pura Vida Bracelets as a brand ambassador since August, and now I’m teaming up with them to send one of my lucky readers a beautiful hand-made bracelet from their Anchor Wrap Collection!
The Gold Anchor bracelet is far and away one of Pura Vida Bracelets’ best-selling products.
One of you will get one absolutely free (a $28 retail value) just for helping me spread the word about this awesome socially responsible company.

And in the event that you’re not the lucky winner, you can always save 10% on every Pura Vida Bracelets purchase by entering my rep code LDAVIS10 at checkout.
This contest is open to everyone! Pura Vida Bracelets ships worldwide! Enter by following the instructions below. Facebook “likes” are very much appreciated!
Here’s to 100 more! Thanks for reading, good luck and pura vida!
Catch us on Instagram too for new product releases, discounts, sales, special offers and more giveaways! Follow Pura Vida Bracelets or my personal rep account: leahpuravida.
My travelgrams are posted at leahlamochilera.